Final Meeting & IDB 2022

Our IPM-4-CITRUS final meeting took place at Les laboratoires MEDIS (19/12/2022, @Nabeul, Tunisia) in the building dedicated to the production line. FM was followed by IDB2022 congress (20/12/2022) including a satellite session for IPM-4-Citrus. These events were accessible in face-to-face or by visio conference. This final event was an important milestone and the opportunity to gather consortium members in order to close IPM-4-Citrus project, to promote the production line (MEDIS “Santé végétale”), as well as to discuss and to promote our main scientific results and the next steps of our collaboration.
For FM (19/12/2022), 67 persons (55 persons face-to-face and 12 persons in remote mode) were present. IPM-4-Citrus senior scientists and engineers have attended physically the event except BIPCA (Sara FALVO), BIYANS (Zeynep YURTUKAN), JKI (Dietrich STEPHAN) and TWB (Julien CESCUT) who attended the meeting by visio conference. Most of our ESR were involved in the organisation and participated to this event. Stakeholders (MEDIS CEO and managing staff), decisions makers (EC representatives, Scientific advisor at French Embassy) and social society (high-school students and 3 professors from “Lycée Pilote de Nabeul”) as well as Zane SIME (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, EC survey about diplomatic science) and our POs (Pr. Vasiliki EXARCHOU, D. Nathalie RIGUELLE) were present. For our satellite session during IDB2022 congress (20/12/2022), 29 persons (among 5 in remote mode) were present during scientific presentations and exchanges (Table 1).
As indicated into working program (Agenda), during FM, a synthesis of IPM-4-Citrus was reported followed by an overview of major scientific results from WP2, 3 and 4. Considering that FM was hosted into MEDIS “Santé végétale” business unit, WP4 (Transfer from lab to market) was under the audience spotlight for the economic maturation and the business plan. Videos of FM meeting and project presentation could be watched into IPM-4-Citrus website ( ).
The satellite session IPM-4-Citrus (7 oral presentations: 15min presentation + 5min Q/A) during IDB2022 congress gave a chance to go further into scientific discussion with a special focus into WP3 (Formulation and Bioactivity) and last results from field and lab assays.



19th & 20th December 2022 

Résumé du projet en IPM-4-Citrus en vidéo

IPM-4-Citrus - Résumé des étapes clés de la ligne de production

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